ResourcesHelpful resources available for downloadGluteGuard Patient Information Brochure DOWNLOAD HEREGluteGuard - Product InformationFor healthcare professionals only DOWNLOAD HEREGluteGuard Clinical Trial - Coeliac DiseaseCORNELL ET. AL. (2016)- THE EFFECT OF ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION ON SYMPTOMS AND DUODENAL HISTOLOGY IN COELIAC PATIENTSGluteGuard Clinical Trial- Dermatitis HerpetiformisZEBROWSKA ET. AL (2014) – THE EFFECT OF ENZYME THERAPY ON SKIN SYMPTOMS AND IMMUNE RESPONSES IN PATIENTS WITH DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMISGluteGuard - Comparison on speed of digestion with ELISATanner GJ (2021) Relative Rates of Gluten Digestion by Nine Commercial Dietary Digestive Supplements. Front. Nutr. 8:784850. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.784850.Enzyme therapy as an aid for the management of coeliac diseaseFinlay Macrae AO (2018) “Enzyme Therapy that Can Digest the Toxic Motifs of Gluten as an Aid in the Management of Celiac Disease.”Dr Kim Faulkner-Hogg - Tips to reduce trace gluten contaminationDownload a helpful guide to teach your patients how to reduce trace gluten contamination.Dr Kim Faulkner-Hogg - Is ‘Gluten Free’ really 100% Gluten Free? Why it mattersDownload the webinar slides presented by Dr Kim Faulkner-Hogg about the challenges in following a gluten-free diet.